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Accessible Travel
Reece Chapman

Accessible Travel

Experiencing cultures, art and food around the world is not something that should be reserved exclusively for able-bodied humans. Below, discover guides to the best accessible hotels, restaurants, bars and destinations around the world; reviews of the latest tech and travel gadgets for disabled travellers and a monthly column dedicated to highlighting the very best accessible travel experiences out there

10 people on what accessible travel means to them
This World Accessibility Awareness Day, we asked disabled athletes, actors, TV presenters, writers and activists about why accessible travel is more important than ever

Accessible travel tips

A guide to holiday packing if you have ADHD
Helpful tips on how to pack, from a person with ADHD
Flying as a wheelchair user is never easy – but these 6 tips help me every time
From the items to pack to knowing your rights, avid traveller Cory Lee shares his tips for safer, more comfortable, and less stressful flights with a wheelchair
Lucy Edwards' favourite restaurants with guide dog access in London
Lucy Edwards tells us her favourite places to eat out in London that have excellent guide dog access
Beyond Barriers: introducing the monthly accessible travel column
Introducing Beyond Barriers, a new monthly column by Sophie Morgan dedicated to covering the latest news, hotels, restaurants, destinations and tech, helping disabled travellers feel safe, secure and inspired to travel the world
This is how airlines are helping autistic passengers travel safely
British Airways and Emirates have launched new steps to help passengers with autism travel safely 
What it's like to travel with my neurodiverse daughter
Exploring the Celtic fringe with Suzanne Joinson and her daughter, Scout

Accessible beach travel

The best accessible beaches in Europe, from Barcelona city spots to resorts in Greece
Enjoying European beach culture in a wheelchair is easy at these spots, thanks to floating chairs, Seatrac systems, and accessible transport.
Greece is making more than 280 beaches wheelchair accessible
Beaches across the Greek islands are finally becoming more accessible for wheelchair users
The 11 most accessible beaches in the UK
For those of us with mobility impairments, there have never been more places to visit across the UK's coastline
"I am lifted out of my wheelchair and into the world’s first adapted camel saddle": Why travel to this remote location is more accessible than ever
Thanks to two visionary travellers with a passion for inclusivity, the Sahara Desert is finally a place where disabled travellers can explore